Borewell Contractors in Otteri will provide you a best service.We have solutions for hard rock drilling, collapsing borewells and failure borewells. Right fom the beginning Otteri Borewell started its operation by Pneumatic Rig to the latest High-pressure, Super fast, Hydraulic Rig both on surface and in well by 4 ½ “, 6”, 6 ½ “, 8″, 10″ 12″ 16″18″ bore wells. 4 ½ ” 6 ½ ” drilling is the common drilling size in Otteri. Our Unique right in time and on sight service allows to leverages local competencies and Our to offer global competitiveness to our customers.
Borewell Contractors in Otteri

Borewell Contractors, Borewell Contractors in Chennai,Borewell cleaning services,Drilling,Rainwater harvesting.